January 28, 2013

The Honorable Ron Wyden

221 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.

Washington, D.C.  20510

  Dear Senator Wyden:

Congratulations on your ascendency to chair of energy and natural resources.  In that role there is one issue I would like to call to your attention.  The scientific consensus, as you well know, is that mankind is discharging too much carbon into the atmosphere.  What is needed is a clean, cheap baseload energy source that does not emit carbon.  While solar and wind are non-polluting, they supply only intermittent expensive power.  Arguably the only promising alternative is fusion energy which holds the promise of clean, cheap, baseload power with no nuclear waste.  Unfortunately while the U.S. government realizes this, it has chosen to pour millions into one possible fusion technology that has so far failed, and ignored less expensive promising alternatives. See full letter here.

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