Focus Fusion Benefits

The Fastest Route to Fusion Energy

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Cheap, virtually unlimited, hydrogen-boron (pB11) fuel pB11 – the highest energy density fuel.

Safe, clean energy source

Direct conversion to electricity!

Small size – fits in a garage

Decentralized independent power generators.

Benefits are further explained in this video at 3:45 - just click play!

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Conventional fusion approaches use huge, expensive machinery (magnets or lasers) to compress hot gas (plasma) enough to fuse the atomic nuclei and release energy. We use Nature to achieve this. Our device, called a Dense Plasma Focus (DPF), creates a magnetic bottle that compresses itself, due to natural instabilities of plasma. Our DPF harnesses these instabilities instead of fighting them. It fits in a small room, and could be mass-produced and sold for less than $1 million.


Conventional approaches are fueled with deuterium and radioactive tritium. Their fusion produces high-energy neutrons, which gradually destroy machinery and turn it radioactive. Our fusion fuel is abundant hydrogen and boron, which produces no high-energy neutrons (aneutronic fusion). Our DPF can never melt down, never pollute the environment, and requires no costly containment structure or radioactive waste disposal.


Conventional approaches produce heat that drives steam turbines to generate electricity. Our approach avoids this costly process. Most energy is produced as a beam of nontoxic helium ions, which directly generates electricity in a form of high-tech step-down transformer. No steam turbines are required.


While innovative, our approach is based on proven laws of classical and quantum physics. Our research is published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. In March 2017, the leading journal of its field, Physics of Plasmas, published our paper describing proof that we achieved two of the three conditions required to fuse hydrogen-boron and produce net energy (more released than put in). The first condition is plasma temperature of 1.6 billion degrees C. We achieved 2.7 billion, which is the hottest ever reported for a fusion fuel, and hotter than the core of the sun. The other conditions are sufficient confinement time, which we also achieved, and sufficient plasma density, which we expect to achieve soon.

In 2023 we published a paper in a special issue of the Journal of Fusion Energy showing that we led all fusion companies in key experimental results, achieving”  the highest ratio of fusion energy generation to device energy input (wall-plug efficiency).“ The paper also demonstrated that, compared with all fusion projects, including the giant government ones, we’ve achieved “the highest confined ion energies of any fusion experiment (>200 keV) as well as, recently, the lowest impurities of any fusion plasma.” Also in 2023 we published in a special issue of Physics of Plasmas, a paper showing that “the approaches that combine hydrogen-boron (pB11) fuel with high-density plasma have an easier, less resource-intensive path” to economically practical fusion energy. This fastest route of course includes LPPFusion’s own approach using pB11 fuel and the dense plasma focus device.

We expect this because our mathematical model of the DPF is derived from physical laws, not mere trial-and-error. The model led us to design improvements that we patented in the U.S. (#7,482,607) and Canada, China, Australia and EU. The model has been confirmed by years of experiments, and it predicts that design improvements we are now implementing will produce the breakthrough or net fusion energy, sought around the world for 60 years.

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