The Wright Brothers needed neither government grants nor investors to finance the research that led to the invention of the airplane, because they had their bicycle shop. We have patented X-Scan technology that can scan infrastructure such as roads and bridges potentially saving billions on costly repairs. We are looking for buyers interested in taking X-Scan to market. Till then, we want 2,500 LPPFusion subscribers to pledge $10 a month or more for the next 12 months. You can do this simply through the Donate button at the bottom of the page. If we reach this goal, we will have at least $300,000 a year secured, half our minimum budget.
Every subscriber will be able to participate in a quarterly phone conversation with LPPFusion officers Eric Lerner and Ivy Karamitsos about everything from our lab results to the future fusion society to our public communications and finances. You will also have the satisfaction of knowing that you are providing the vital resources for the fusion energy and clean and safe future. Our shares start at $5000 minimum assuming you are an accredited investor. If not, we can let you know if we will do a crowdfunding in the future. You can inquire about that at
Current donors:
- Vidar Vidnes
- Diederik Thiers
- Benjamin Barnett
- Bengt Gustafsson
- Robert George
- Oswald Edwards
- Stephen Oliver
- Peter Lugerbauer
- Joshua Brimdyr
- William Grace
- John Virgil Schraufnagel
- Arnfinn Skagestad
- Joseph Chaisson
- Walter Rowntree
- Marcin Snieg
- Arnaud Stevins
- Scot Colburn
- JWH Enterprises, LLC
- Chris Dillon
- Peter Sabourin
- Benoît Terradillos
- Antony Miguel
- Roger Bates
- Heiner Wolf
- John Sampson
- Roger Hill
- Michael Helperin
- Jose N. Velez
- Francis LaPlante
- Robert Thomas