Abdul ff 1 device | lpp fusion

Lawrenceville Plasma Physics, Inc. is pleased to announce that Abdelmoula Haboub will be joining our scientific team as a Senior Research Scientist. He will be working with LPP President Eric Lerner and Senior Research Scientist Dr. K. Murali Subramanian to conduct experiments with LPP’s new Focus-Fusion 1 Dense Plasma Focus. Mr. Haboub graduated from Cadi Ayyad, School of Science Semlalia, Marrakech, Morocco and holds Master of Science degrees in Physics, Mechanical Engineering and Atmospheric Science. He is completing his dissertation for a PhD in physics from the University of Nevada. His experience in working with the z-pinch machine, which, like the DPF, produces dense plasma and his knowledge of the instrumentation needed for such dense plasma will be particularly valuable on our project.

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