Next Step in the Debate over the Big Bang
A Scientific Workshop
Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?
On Friday, Nov. 3, LPPFusion will host an online workshop on the question: “Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?” . It is difficult or impossible to freely discuss the validity of the expansion hypothesis at most conventional astrophysics conferences. So, LPPFusion has organized this workshop as a step in having a free and open discussion of the observational status of the expansion hypothesis, to clarify differences of viewpoint and to suggest further observational tests. The workshop will be held online from 9:15 AM to 2:15 PM Eastern Time. All invited. Zoom link:
Participants include Rajendra Gupta, University of Ottawa; Eric Lerner, LPPFusion; Martin Lopez-Corredoira, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; Leandros Perivolaropoulos, University of Ioannina; Riccardo Scarpa, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; Francesco Sylos-Labini, Enrico Fermi Research Center and Alessandro Trinchera, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen.
There will be discussion after each presentation, a general discussion among participants after all presentations and a time for questions from the audience and media representatives.
Brief descriptions of participants:
Dr. Rajendra Gupta made worldwide headlines this year when he hypothesized that the cosmic redshift is only partially due to the expansion of the universe and that the Big Bang happened 26 billion years ago, not 14 billion.
Eric Lerner is the author of the popular book, The Big Bang Never Happened, and of many peer-reviewed scientific papers demonstrating that the universe is not expanding. He is also a leading researcher in fusion energy.
Dr. Martin Lopez-Corredoira is the author of Fundamental Ideas in Cosmology and of many papers critically comparing cosmological hypothesis with observations.
Dr. Leandros Perivolaropoulos is an astrophysicist whose recent papers have studied the contradictions between observations and the dominant LCDM theory of cosmic evolution.
Dr. Riccardo Scarpa has worked with Lerner and Dr. Renato Falomo on studies of the Tolman surface brightness test of the reality of cosmic expansion and is a leading researcher into MOND, an alternative theory of gravitation.
Dr. Francesco Sylos-Labini is a leader in the mapping of large-scale structures in the universe, showing that the universe is fractal not homogenous on all scales we have observed. This is in contradiction to the basic assumption of homogeneity that underlies the expansion theory.
Dr. Alessandro Trinchera is the author of The BIG BhANGover and many papers on the problems of and alternatives to “concordance cosmology”.
In preparation for the workshop, LPPFusion has hosted two Dialogs on the Big Bang Debate. The first, with Dr. Gupta is available here:
The Second, with Dr. Sylos-Labini is available here: