New Videos on Cosmology and Physics

In the eighth episode of “JWST and the Big Bang Never Happened Debate” , LPPFusion Chief Scientist replies to New York Times Opinion piece,  “The Story of Our Universe May Be Starting to Unravel”  by Dr. Adam Frank and Dr. Marcelo Gleiser. What the authors don’t actually say is that there already is an alternative “story of the universe” that is being widely debated among researchers: the story of an evolving universe without a Big Bang or the expansion of space. It looks like Dr. Frank and Dr. Gleisel have put on their life jackets on board the sinking cosmic ship “Big Bang” but are not yet ready to enter the lifeboats. They should not hesitate further. A rescue ship – “No Big Bang”- is standing close by at the ready. Time to get on board and chart a new course for the science of the cosmos.

In the third study group on the Evolution of Physics, LPPFusion’s Eric Lerner and the group discuss the efforts by James Clerk Maxwell and others to use vortices to unite the newly-developed concept of fields with the observations of particles, especially atoms. These efforts encountered difficulties and then were superseded by J. J. Thompson’s surprising discovery of the electron, a particle thousands of times less massive than atoms.

Reminder: On October 17, Lerner will talk with Dr. Francesco Sylos-Labini,   Research Director at the Enrico Fermi Research Center (Rome, Italy). Dr. Sylos-Labini has been a leader in the mapping of large-scale structures in the universe. On the largest scales, these structures are too big to have formed in the time since the hypothetical Big Bang. There will be an open Q and A from the zoom chat at the end of each event.









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