Biographical information on the researchers

Eric J. Lerner is President and Chief Scientist at LPPFusion, Inc. His research in plasma physics includes efforts in fusion energy to develop a clean, economical source of energy using the dense plasma focus device. His research in astrophysics includes the development of an electromagnetic model of quasars, which contributed to his studies in fusion; theories of the formation of large scale structure; the origin of light elements; the cosmic background radiation and other phenomena, all based on a model of a universe with no Big Bang and no origin in time. He is the author of the book, The Big Bang Never Happened (Vintage, 1992).

Renato Falomo is a full astronomer of INAF at the Astronomical Observatory of Padova. His research has included quasars, active galactic nuclide, and their host galaxies as well as radio galaxies, using ESO telescopes and HST. Most recent studies include the cosmic evolution of the quasar host galaxies at high redshift using ESO VLT and Adaptive Optics images of AGN. He is author of about 160 articles in peer-reviewed journals and over 140 other publications. He is scientific director of the Italian magazine for amateur astronomers COELUM, and was science consultant for Planetario di Padova.

Riccardo Scarpa works at the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias as staff astronomer at the 10 meter GRANTECAN telescope, currently the largest optical telescope in the world. After completing his doctorate studies at Padua University in 1992, he moved as post-doc at the Space Telescope Science Institute where he focused its research on AGN. In 2000 he took up a position of staff astronomer at European Southern Observatory, working at the VLT telescope at Paranal. While continuing its activity in AGN, radio galaxies, BL Lac object, and QSO, RS got interested in an alternative theory of gravity and he became an active supporter of MOND as an alternative to the dark matter hypothesis. He is the leading investigator of a project aimed to test the validity of Newtonian gravity in globular clusters, the results of which fully support the MOND hypothesis.

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