The reason your home is not powered by fusion energy today is that the 1976 Fusion Crash Program was never implemented since it was never funded—not even at the minimum level required.

The US government spent, in 2019 dollars, $5.4 billion a year on the Manhattan Project, $22 billion a year on the Apollo Program, and only $1 billion a year on Fusion R&D for the past 40 years. LPPFusion wants less than $0.001 billion a year to research the fastest and most promising route to fusion.

1976 fusion crash program chart | lpp fusion
The usa never fusion program chart | lpp fusion

Last month, we started building our “bicycle store”—a source of steady income from subscribers, as the Wright Brothers used their actual bike store to finance their research. This will, in part, supplement unpredictable private investments until we get our X-Scan tech off the ground. So far, we have subscriptions from 24 generous fusion supporters, for a total of $400 a month. Thank you very much, supporters! Our goal is $30,000 a month.

We want to spend the time either doing the research or telling you all about it on Facebook and Twitter, so if you want faster progress in the lab, and more frequent updates subscribe now and help us get more followers and subscribers!

This news piece is part of the September, 2019 report. To download the report click here.
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