We have obtained the first preliminary evidence that the injection of angular momentum into the DPF considerably increases the efficiency of energy transfer into the plasmoid, the size of the plasmoid and thus the fusion energy yield. On Feb. 19 and 22, we fired Focus Fusion- 1 at 24 kV with a pressure of 8 torr of deuterium in the vacuum chamber. In some shots, we connected the angular momentum coil (AMC) to the power supply, so current could flow through it. In other shots, we left the coil circuit open, so no current could flow. The shots with the AMC connected have a neutron yield 8-10 times that of those with the AMC disconnected, so this is a large and very promising effect.
What we believe is happening is that the current in the coil is producing a small magnetic field along the axis of the device. The interaction of the currents with this field induces angular momentum (spin) in the plasma sheath. This in turn diverts the current in the sheath in the same direction as the current in the coils, amplifying the field. The angular momentum, conveyed ultimately to the tiny plasmoid, creates a centrifugal force that balances the compressive magnetic forces. The bigger the centrifugal force, the bigger the magnetic field that can be balanced and the bigger the plasmoid. However, if the centrifugal force is too big, it will prevent the plasmoid from forming at all. Thus only small fields are effective.
In the few shots we have taken, so far we have not seen a difference in the neutron yield with the power supply to the AMC providing different levels of current. This may be because the current induced in the coil by the DPF’s own current pulse is higher that the imposed current. We will need to investigate this with more shots under varying connections. However, the fact that we have already obtained a factor of ten improvement in yield through the use of the AMC is very encouraging and is an initial confirmation of the proposal that LPP VP Aaron Blake made four years ago. It is also a further confirmation of our general theory of the DPF.

Effect of AMC – Logarithm of neutron yield plotted against logarithm of peak current. Blue (upper) points are with AMC connected. Red (lower) points are with AMC disconnected.