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New Database Nears Completion

LPP’s new experimental database has nearly been completed. Data from hundreds of FF-1 shots have been automatically processed and converted into a database that allowed

Fighting the Early Beams

Our research team is continuing to examine the causes of the shot-to-shot variability that affects FF-1 (as it does all DPFs to date) and the

Stock Round Completed

LPP is pleased to announce that our $900,000 offering that opened in November 2009 was completed in April 2011. The next two million dollars to

Switch Progress Published in JOFE

To maximize fusion yields from LPP’s Focus Fusion-1 device, the science team must maximize current from FoFu-1’s twelve capacitors.   That means getting all twelve

Fred Van Roessel (1937-2019)

We have the sad duty to report that our friend, colleague and team member Fred Van Roessel has died. He suffered a fatal stroke on

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