New record beams bode well for applications
FF-1 Record for ion beam current—near 300 kA With our greater repeatability has come a reduced variability and larger current in the beam measured by the upper
FF-1 Record for ion beam current—near 300 kA With our greater repeatability has come a reduced variability and larger current in the beam measured by the upper
Focus Fusion-1 achieves much greater repeatability, closer to theoretical predictions Major improvement in repeatability of fusion yield and beam production. Repeatable fusion yield is now
New switch design, after tweaking, fired successfully all the way up to 45 kV Backgrounder: Find out why these upgraded switches are so important to
LPP’s new experimental database has nearly been completed. Data from hundreds of FF-1 shots have been automatically processed and converted into a database that allowed
Our research team is continuing to examine the causes of the shot-to-shot variability that affects FF-1 (as it does all DPFs to date) and the
LPP is pleased to announce that our $900,000 offering that opened in November 2009 was completed in April 2011. The next two million dollars to
We at Lawrenceville Plasma Physics want to share the following statement regarding the ongoing nuclear crisis in Japan. Given the magnitude of this crisis and
To maximize fusion yields from LPP’s Focus Fusion-1 device, the science team must maximize current from FoFu-1’s twelve capacitors. That means getting all twelve
Measurement of X-rays from FoFu-1 electron beam shows that LPP’s X-Scan application is technically feasible New experiments this month have demonstrated for the first time
In addition to validating sufficiently high X-ray energies for X-Scan, February saw other major milestones for LPP, including: New spark plug manufactured—It’s big! New radioactive isotope diagnostics
LPP is working with New Jersey state agencies to bolster support for our focus fusion feasibility study and lay the foundation for future deployment of
Summary In an eventful January in the lab, we have seen evidence for the first time that we have achieved high efficiency of energy transfer
We have the sad duty to report that our friend, colleague and team member Fred Van Roessel has died. He suffered a fatal stroke on
We are extending our fusion song parody contest by one month. We ask that contestants send links to professional videos of the songs that they
Thanks to the effort of the Fusion Industry Association and its director Andrew Holland, the US Congress is now considering a bill to aid private
At a workshop in Warsaw, Poland, plasma focus researchers from around the world agreed on a key aspect of the functioning of the plasma focus