Fusion Rap

We ended 2023 with a wave of new videos. Former Deputy Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, Richard H. Jones, explains why he supports LPPFusion’s fast route to fusion energy. At the IAE from 2008-2013, Jones saw firsthand the painfully slow progress of the tokamak approach. He supports LPPFusion’s fast approach and has invested his own money in LPPFusion.

We published videos with the entire proceedings of the Workshop on “Is Cosmic Expansion Valid in the Epoch of JWST?” with presentations by  Rajendra Gupta, University of Ottawa; Eric Lerner, LPPFusion; Martin Lopez-Corredoira, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; Leandros Perivolaropoulos, University of Ioannina; Riccardo Scarpa, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; Francesco Sylos-Labini, Enrico Fermi Research Center and Alessandro Trinchera, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen. The discussion among panelists and Q and A with the audience is also online. 

Continuing our class on the Evolution of Physics, we had our first lab session, using do-at-home demonstrations by class participants to show the reality of the magnetic force-field—the real “force that pervades the cosmos”.

And to wind up the year on a festive note, we released the video version of the Fusion Energy Revolution Rap Song. Enjoy!

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