Starting October 5, LPPFusion and the Focus Fusion Society have been organizing educational meetings on the “New Fusion Race.” The aim of the meetings is to give an objective picture of where the race to practical fusion power stands and where our Focus Fusion efforts are within that race. In a nutshell, as previously reported on our website and in these monthly reports, FF-1 results are right now far ahead of those of any other privately-funded fusion effort and are nipping at the heels of the giant government-backed projects that have spent thousands of times more money.
The first such meeting, on Oct. 5, was attended by about 30 people in New York City, and the second, on Nov. 11 was in Framingham, Mass. Chief Information Officer Ivy Karamitsos is now editing the Oct.5 presentation by Lerner into an interactive video with greatly improved graphics and explanations. We hope that this video will be available in December and can be used to set up more meetings around the world. We also expect to provide subtitled versions of at least some sections of the video in Spanish, Chinese and possibly other languages. We expect that out of the meetings will come organized Focus Fusion groups that can spread the word about our project to broader layers.