As of today, LPPFusion has started a new crowdfunding drive, on StartEngine. We decided to launch on a different platform to reach a new audience, potentially StartEngine’s more than 700,000 members. You can learn of the new terms on the StartEngine page (SEC regulations prevent us from revealing them here.). The new page includes a new, snappy 2.5 minute video produced by a collaboration of RallyOn and LPPFusion’s Director of Communications Ivy Karamitsos.

Due to StartEngine’s requirements we have terminated our Reg D offering as of Nov. 22. For the 90-day duration of the StartEngine campaign, all investment in LPPFusion must be through StartEngine.

If you have been looking for a new opportunity to invest – now that we have started our pB11 fuel experiments – this is your chance! Check out our StartEngine page and invest in our fusion future!
We need the help of our existing investors and supporters to reach the full StartEngine audience. StartEngine will send emails about our campaign to their whole community once we have the first 100 investors (of any amount). In addition, once we reach $45,000, we’ll appear as “recently launched” on their home page.