The purchase of the beryllium was made possible by money that LPPFusion raised in an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign in 2014. However, Focus Fusion still needs contributions. The Focus Fusion Society, in cooperation with LPPFusion, Inc. is making a set of new videos explaining the physics behind Focus Fusion. Everyone can help fund these videos (and be credited in them if you donate $75 or more) with a tax-deductible donation to Focus Fusion Society. Please do it here.

Focus Fusion Society has just uploaded a new set of videos, which together show the whole sequence of how the tungsten electrodes were repaired and mounted on the FF-1 device.

Everyone can also help fund the research here at LPPFusion directly. While most of our operation is funded by investors, if we had additional funding from contributors we could hire more staff and move faster towards fusion. The key to our progress is taking shots with our machine, Focus Fusion-1 or FF-1 for short, which gives us the experimental data to test our theories and demonstrate progress towards net energy. We estimate that to accomplish net energy demonstration we have to do 1,500 more shots. So far we have carried out 1,900 shots. Each shot costs us about $900. So we want you to help—take your best shot!

For $75 you can fund the charging of one of our 12 capacitors for one shot, for $150, two capacitors and so on up to $900 for a full shot. Everyone who funds a given shot will be recognized in a list kept permanently on the website. People will be assigned to a given shot in the order that we receive your money. If we cite “your” shot in a scientific paper, we’ll include your name in the acknowledgements of the paper. Your shot may make history! You can contribute (not tax-deductible) here.

This news piece is part of the January, 2016 report. To download the report click here.
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