Eric Lerner will be speaking Sunday, May 17 at an online Teach-in on the Coronavirus: Causes, Impact and Our Response. He will be speaking on “Energy, Finance and the Coronavirus”. The presentation will explain how fossil fuel use contributed to the pandemic. It will also show how the collapse of oil prices in March motivated a bail-out that is funneling trillions of dollars of public money to billionaires, creating a system of state-financed capitalism. Lerner will lay out some urgent steps to get out of the crisis, including a crash program to develop fusion energy as a total replacement for fossil fuels.

Lerner will be speaking at 2:30 PM. In the first presentation of the teach-in Environmental biologist Rob Wallace will explain how Big Agriculture also prepared the conditions for the pandemic. Avram Rips and Jay Arena will discuss the impact on public education and education workers’ response. The event is hosted by the Organizing Committee for a Popular Assembly.

This event is not sponsored by LPPFusion, but we thought it will be of interest to the readers of this report.

The presentation is now online:

This news piece is part of the May 13, 2020 report. To download the report click here.

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