
The successful development of Focus Fusion could improve the chances for world peace in several ways. First, since energy produced from Focus Fusion would be cheaper than oil or gas, it would start reducing the demand for these resources, and quite rapidly cause the price to fall. As oil and gas become less valuable, and less essential, wars to prop up the price of oil and gas will become a thing of the past.

Second, Focus Fusion would end all threat of nuclear proliferation. Since Focus Fusion will be so much cheaper than fission energy, if Focus Fusion is implemented fission plants will not make economic sense. Uranium, which fuels the plants, and which is an essential element for nuclear weapons, can essentially be banned. Uranium mines, whose locations are known worldwide, can be locked up, ending the production of nuclear weapons forever. People can then turn to the task of getting rid of the weapons that already exist.

The end of resource wars and the elimination of nuclear weapons proliferation that Focus Fusion will make possible will be a great impetus to convert the huge, high-technology defense industry to civilian production. As the late Seymour Melman, who was for a long time Professor of Industrial Engineering at Columbia University pointed out, the defense industry could be producing the highly productive industrial equipment the entire world needs to create jobs and fulfill human needs for good housing, clean air and water and efficient, rapid mass transpiration.

Lastly, in the interim, resources employed in pursuit of fusion would not be spent elsewhere. With a focus on realizing the potential of fusion for humanity, initiatives such as “Fusion for Peace” might be seriously considered by governments around the world providing avenues for cooperation instead of aggression.









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