Three bills: S4073, S4074 and S4075 to promote fusion energy research were introduced on August 26 into the NJ State Senate by Sen. Joe Pennachio(R-26). The first bill, the Fusion Technology Industry Promotion Act, would mandate the NJ Economic Development Authority to invest in fusion technology development companies in NJ, matching dollar for dollar private investments in the companies. This was an idea raised by LPPFusion’s President Eric J. Lerner at the Fusion Symposium in May organized by Sen. Pennachio’s office. A second bill would make fusion energy companies eligible for any state renewable energy or emerging technologies economic incentive programs. The third bill would establish the NJ Fusion Technology Industry Commission which would oversee the fusion energy program for the state of NJ.
We at LPPF Fusion believe that he introduction of these bills into the NJ Senate is a great step forward. We hope that the Legislature and Governor Murphy will rapidly enact this legislation, which can serve as a model for fusion development in other states.